Election Candidates for LASID Committees 2024-2025

Elections for LASID Committees 2024-2025

Table of Contents

Alejandra King

I am a pediatric immunologist working in Santiago , Chile .
Head of Immunology Unit, Luis Calvo Mackenna Children´s Hospital, Santiago Chile.
Head of Immunology Unit Pediatric Department, Clínica Alemana de Santiago.
Associated Professor, Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana- Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile.
Jeffrey Modell Foundation Clinical Network coordinator in Chile.
Member of “Comité Asesor en Vacunas y Estrategias de Vacunación (CAVEI)”, Chile (NITAG).
Member of Inborn Errors of Immunity of Hematopoyetic Stem Transplantation for the Chilean Ministry of Health pediatric Hematopoyetic Stem Transplantation.
Member of the Advisor Working Group for Inborn Errors of Immunity for the Chilean Ministry of Health.

Como inmunóloga pediátrica, mi compromiso ha sido siempre mejorar la vida de los pacientes con Errores Innatos de la Inmunidad. Creo firmemente que la educación es una gran herramienta para cumplir este objetivo. Durante mi carrera profesional y académica, he colaborado en diferentes instancias educativas de pre como de post grado tanto universitarias como de diferentes sociedades científicas. Soy miembro de LASID desde sus inicios y he participado activamente en numerosas actividades académicas y de difusión de nuestra Sociedad. He sido parte del Comité de Educación previamente y además, he estado involucrada en varios programas de educación sobre Errores Innatos de la Inmunidad para la comunidad médica de mi país. En estos próximos dos años, en el caso de que consideren mi iniciativa de ser parte del Comité de Educación , fuera de mantener y mejorar las actividades educativas que ya se realizan de forma remota y presencial como webinars, Summer School, Fellowship y LASID Meetings, creo importante incorporar reuniones periódicas para discutir casos clínicos desafiantes ya sea desde el punto de vista de su presentación clinica , diagnóstico o tratamiento estimulando la participación activa de todos los miembros de la comunidad LASID . Creo también necesario , incentivar la cooperación en investigación , sobre todo en algunos tópicos específicos , entre los diferentes grupos de trabajo de Latinoamérica y colaborar activamente con el resto de los comités LASID . En el caso de ser elegida como parte del Comité de Educación me comprometo a trabajar de forma en conjunto con el resto del equipo en todas las iniciativas que el grupo considere importantes y necesarias.

Dear LASID Board and LASID Members,

I write this statement to express my deep interest and enthusiasm for taking on a role within the Education Committee of LASID. I am honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the mission of this esteemed organization and to make a positive impact on the education and knowledge-sharing efforts focused on inborn errors of immunity across Latin America.

My vision for the Education Committee is to foster a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, where healthcare professionals, researchers, and students can acquire up-to-date knowledge, enhance their skills, and collaborate effectively in the field of immunodeficiencies. I aim to create a comprehensive educational platform that addresses the needs and challenges faced by the Latin American community working with inborn errors of immunity.

1. Maintain and improve the current educational programs: webinars , Summer School , Fellowship and LASID Meeting .
2. Develop and curate other educational resources: I plan to collaborate with fellow committee members to create and curate a wide range of educational resources, including webinars, workshops, e-learning modules, and interactive case studies. These resources will cover various aspects of immunodeficiencies, including diagnostics, management, research, and emerging trends.

3. Increase accessibility and reach: I am committed to ensuring that our educational resources are accessible to healthcare professionals across Latin America. This will involve utilizing digital platforms and considering the diverse needs of our audience. By increasing the reach of our education initiatives, we can create a stronger network of professionals dedicated to improving the care of inborn errors of immunity patients in the region.

4. Foster collaboration and networking: Collaboration is at the heart of advancement in healthcare. I aim to organize networking events, online forums, and opportunities for professionals to share experiences, challenges, and best practices in the field of immunodeficiencies. By facilitating connections among experts, trainees, and researchers, we can encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

5. Empower the next generation: As part of the Education Committee, I am committed to supporting and engaging with students and trainees interested in immunodeficiencies. I believe in nurturing their passion, promoting mentorship opportunities, and organizing educational programs tailored to their needs. By empowering the next generation of healthcare professionals and researchers, we ensure a bright future for immunodeficiency care in Latin America.

I believe that my strong background in diagnosing and treating Inborn Errors of Immunity patients and my commitment to education and mentorship make me well-suited for this role within the Education Committee. I am excited to contribute my skills, ideas, and expertise towards the continued growth and success of LASID’s educational initiatives.

Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with fellow committee members and contribute to LASID’s mission of advancing the field of immunodeficiencies in Latin America through education.


Alejandra King MD”

Mi formación en Inmunología pediátrica comenzó en el Hospital Sor Maria Ludovica de la Plata, Argentina en 2019 hasta 2022.
Actualmente continúo trabajando en el hospital bajo supervisión de la Dra. Regairaz.
He participado de LASID Meeting 2021 y 2023. Considero estos encuentros de suma importancia para el desarrollo y actualización de los profesionales. Así como también el registro de pacientes como sociedad latinoamericana.
Me gustaría participar de forma activa dentro de la sociedad y encuentro el comité educativo un espacio de desafío constante y actualización permanente, que requiere un trabajo en equipo de forma organizada y responsable.
Espero cumplir con estos objetivos.
Muchas gracias.

My name is Belén Almejun, Molecular Biologist from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). I have been a Molecular Biology professor at UBA since 2004. I completed my PhD studies in Primary Immunodeficiencies in 2013. Currently, I am a researcher at CONICET and lead the Functional Immunology Laboratory at UBA.

I believe that my expertise qualifies me to contribute to the development of advanced educational courses in Clinical and Functional Genomics, which are essential for the training of professionals across Latin America. Therefore, I am submitting my candidacy to join the educational committee of LASID.

Estimados miembros de LASID:
Soy Carolina Bouso, inmunóloga pediatra de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Me formé y trabajo en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y en el Hospital Garrahan.
Tengo más de 10 años de experiencia en la docencia universitaria, dando clases de Inmunología a alumnos de pregrado y postgrado.
Me gustaría formar parte del Comité Educativo porque disfruto plenamente del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, entendiendo que la docencia es un ida y vuelta fundamental, así como la difusión entre pares y la actualización constante.
Agradezco su consideración.
Saludos cordiales,
Carolina Bouso.

It was during medical school that I decided to specialize in the care and research of primary immunodeficiencies. I graduated in 1998 in Curitiba and began my residency in Pediatrics at UNICAMP, in Campinas. I then did my internship and my master’s degree, followed by my doctorate, under the guidance of Prof. Antonio Condino Neto, still at UNICAMP. Between 2008 and 2012, I did post-doctoral work in Prof. Jean-Laurent Casanova’s laboratory.
In 2012 I returned to Brazil and set up the Clinical Immunology department at the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital in Curitiba. As coordinator of the Rare Disease Genetics research group, I have had the opportunity to mentor undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students since 2013 at the Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute. Since 2017 I am Director of Translational Medicine at the research institute, with the mission of tightening the links between clinical practice and basic science, fostering innovation in healthcare.

Throughout this time, the Latin American Society of Immunodeficiencies has played an important role in my training, in sharing experiences and in my growing knowledge of Inborn Errors of Immunity. I am presenting my candidacy for the Educational Committee with the aim of working with the other members to organize and carry out educational activities and interact with other societies to promote the dissemination of knowledge and contribute to the training and improvement of Latin American immunologists so that we can contribute to the quality of life of Inborn Errors of Immunity patients.

Hola a todos soy la Dra. Elma Fuentes, Pediatra, Alergóloga- Inmunológa y alta especialidad en Errores Innatos de la Inmunidad.
Pertenezco a los miembros de LASID JUNIOR desde el 2022 y desde que soy miembro de esta sociedad he tenido experiencias maravillosas.
He aprendido de grandes profesores y también he aprendido de muchos de mis compañeros, también he conocido a personas que comparten el mismo interés por los errores innatos de la inmunidad y esto es algo muy emocionante.
La labor que cumplen cada uno de los integrantes de LASID es sumamente valiosa para continuar promoviendo los Errores Innatos de la Inmunidad sobre todo en las nuevas generaciones, cada día se conocen mas defectos asociados con estas enfermedades, por lo que es vital que se sigan promoviendo para que no pasen desapercibidas. Considero que al formar parte de este Comité podremos promover programas y encontrar redes de apoyo para que se sigan promoviendo estas enfermedades e invitar e integrar a mas jóvenes a formar parte de esta sociedad.

I am Mexican, a pediatrician and clinical allergist-immunologist with a particular interest in primary immunodeficiency disorders. I pursued an MSc in Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy in London, England. Since 2016, I have worked at the National Institute of Pediatrics in Mexico as a researcher affiliated with the Laboratory of Research in Immunodeficiencies (JMF Center) and as a physician attached to the Clinical Immunology Service since 2021. I actively collaborate on research projects and clinical care for pediatric patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders.
I am also actively involved in academic activities for my country’s undergraduate and postgraduate medical training. Over the years, I have had the opportunity and honor to actively participate in our Society, serving on the Registry Committee and as part of the Organizing Committee for LASID Congresses in recent years. I have always been learning from mentors and colleagues from Latin America.
It is a pride to belong to LASID, and I would like to continue participating and contributing to the advancement of our Society, especially in improving the diagnosis and treatment of primary immunodeficiency disorders in our region. On this occasion, I would like to apply to participate in the Education Committee; academic and educational activities for our entire community are fundamental to improving the timely diagnosis and treatment of primary immunodeficiency disorders. Specifically, I believe that developing educational activities for young immunologists and fostering interaction among LASID members is crucial. I think I have sufficient experience and enthusiasm to contribute to this Committee or any other if the Central Directive and LASID members consider it appropriate.”

My name is Ricardo Zwiener, an Allergist/Immunologist, Health Educator, Speaker, Author, Reviewer, Researcher, Advisor, and Patient Advocate from Argentina. With two decades of specialized expertise in Internal Medicine and Clinical Allergology and Immunology, I am an accomplished researcher, health educator, speaker, and author.
As an Allergist and Clinical Immunologist at the Hospital Universitario Austral for over 20 years, I have honed skills in communication, consultancy, and analysis in the field of allergy and immunology. My experience ranges from reviewing in the allergy and immunology field for the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI) and the World Allergy Organization (WAO), I am dedicated to upholding excellence and quality in research and review.to leadership as the Director of the Drug Allergy Committee at the Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (AAAeIC). I am an active member of the Latin American Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and contribute to committees focused on rare diseases, such as Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) and drug allergies.

Interest in Becoming a Committee Member:
My interest in joining LASID’s Scientific Education Committee stems from my strong commitment to evidence-based medicine and patient-centered approaches. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated strong decision-making abilities and effective communication skills. My active involvement in reviewing and committee leadership showcases my dedication to excellence in research and patient care. As a committee member, I aspire to bring my diverse expertise and foster open and empathetic dialogue. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with LASID in advancing scientific education and promoting excellence in the field of allergology and immunology in Latin America.

Sou médica pediatra alergista/imunologista, fiz minha residência em Alergia/Imunologia no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto – USP e em seguida fiz meu doutorado em Ciências da Saúde pela mesma instituição. Atualmente atendo em Cascavel – Paraná, minha terra natal, depois de muitos anos fora, decidi retornar para próximo da minha família. Mantenho atendimentos em consultório e faço plantões em UTI pediátrica, ainda não estou vinculada a Universidade, mas isto está nos meus planos futuros.
Meu interesse pelos erros inatos de imunidade iniciou durante minha residência de pediatria, e quanto mais estudava, mais me apaixonava. A ideia de ser quase um detetive do sistema imune me fascinava, e a possibilidade de conseguir mudar o destino dos pacientes caso o diagnóstico fosse precoce era fascinante.
Naqueles anos decidi fazer meu trabalho de conclusão de residência com investigação das então “imunodeficiências”, entretanto nosso hospital era muito mais assistencial do que acadêmico e poucos profissionais se interessavam pelo assunto. Assim começamos um trabalho intenso de educação sobre os erros inatos de imunidade, associado a divulgação de tabelas de valores de imunoglobulina e discussão de casos. Foi um trabalho árduo, mas gerou frutos, fizemos alguns diagnósticos e conseguimos mudar a maneira que os profissionais enxergavam os erros inatos de imunidade. Já não faço parte do serviço, mas sei que muitos médicos já fazem triagem inicial e chamam, com muito mais frequência, a equipe da Imunologia. Essa evolução foi o melhor resultado do meu TCR.
Durante minha formação como alergista, distanciei-me um pouco dos erros inatos de imunidade e acabei desenvolvendo uma linha de pesquisa em Dermatite Atópica. Todavia, a paixão por essas doenças sempre esteve ali, e eventualmente ressurgia. Ao retornar para casa passei a receber diversos casos e conduzir muitos deles, lembrando-me do quanto gostava dessa área.
Apesar de boa parte da minha linha de pesquisa localizar-se na Dermatite Atopia e na Imunoterapia, ao saber da convocação de novos membros do LASID, quis tentar me inscrever, minha principal intenção é aprender ainda mais e me aperfeiçoar. Por isso escolhi o comitê educacional, nada melhor para aprender ainda mais do que ensinar aos outros, sejam eles profissionais médicos ou pacientes. Vejo grande potencial no trabalho com pacientes, estabelecendo um canal de orientações e informação segura.
Ademais é excelente oportunidade para divulgar os EII, ainda tão desconhecidos em muitos lugares.

Dear authorities:

My name is Alberto Alfaro. I am currently working at the Internal Medicine, Hospital San Juan de Dios, one of the three main national hospitals in San José, Costa Rica.
I am physician, specialized in internal medicine for adult patients. Subsequently, I obtained my degree in Clinical Immunology from the Universidad de Costa Rica, under the direction of Dr. Óscar Porras. I also have a master’s degree in HIV from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. Thereafter, I did a training stay in inborn errors of immunity under the tutelage of Dr. Bezrodnik in Buenos Aires.

I am dedicated to the care of patients with inborn errors of immunity and secondary immunodeficiencies. I collaborate with the Bone Marrow Transplant service, as well as being part of different clinics that treat autoimmune diseases, in collaboration with colleagues from hematology, rheumatology and internists. I am involved in teaching clinical analysis of internal medicine at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

For the past year, in cooperation with the paediatric immunologists of the Hospital Nacional de Niños, I have been running a transitional clinic project for adolescent patients who need to start a follow-up in the adult clinic at my hospital. Conjointly, we established a bone marrow transplantation programme for children with inborn errors of immunity, by assessing adult donors for paediatric recipients.

As an active member of LASID, I faithfully believe in the youth, in their power and desire to improve the care of our patients with inborn errors of immunity, despite the difficulties we have as a Latin American region. I am committed to advocate for the support of my colleagues, encourage the development of youth and work for the improvement of the junior LASID community to increase visibility through the support of our expert professors, with the purpose of fostering the growth of inborn errors of immunity in Latin America, through scientific and human knowledge for our patients.

Yours sincerely,

Alberto Alfaro Murillo
LASID Junior Member
Costa Rica

Sou brasileira, em especialização na área de alergia e imunologia. Gostaria de fazer parte do comitê LASID, pois acredito ser um importante passo para aqueles que pretendem expandir seus conhecimentos na área dos erros inatos da imunidade (EII). Também é uma ótima oportunidade para estreitar laços com aqueles que possuem este interesse em comum e, por fim, poder promover cada vez mais o desenvolvimento, a pesquisa e a cooperação entre os diferentes centros que se dedicam aos pacientes com EII na América Latina.

Hi everyone! My name is Maria Pilar Tejada and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I completed a pediatrician residency at ‘Hospital de Pediatría Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan’ of Buenos Aires where I gained advanced knowledge in managing and treating complex pathologies. Currently, I am doing a Fellowship in Paediatric Immunology at Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutierrez, where I am been training in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients with Inborn Errors of Immunity. I am also part of the Center of Clinical Immunology ‘Dra. Bezrodnik’.

As a young Immunology fellow, I had been encouraged by my superiors to become part of LASID as a Junior Member. During these years of Junior, I had the opportunity to take part in different activities the society has, like the Summer School and the LASID Meeting in Mexico City where I presented cases, improved my knowledge, established collaborative connections, made friends, and realized the great impact that Society has on our region.

From this became my interest in taking part in the Junior Committee to return something of what I received and encouraged other juniors to be an active part of the Society. My purpose is to create the perfect background to share and learn from the cases and experiences of other fellows, and to discuss different ways of working in this fascinating discipline; feeling closer despite the distances.

My name is Matías García, I’m 30 years old, and I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I’m a recent member of LASID (Junior). I studied Internal Medicine for 5 years in Buenos Aires (Center for Medical Education and Clinical Research – CEMIC), and currently, I’m continuing my training in Autoimmunity and Immunology at “El Cruce Hospital, Buenos Aires”, working alongside with Dr. Bezrodnik’s team, to whom I’m thankful for introducing me to the fascinating world of immunology.

My main interest is to attract more young doctors to immunology, particularly to LASID, just as they did with me. To achieve this, it’s necessary to establish networks, be creative, and reach out to those who still don’t know about us.
To achieve this goal, I believe that my experience as Chief Resident has helped me develop the necessary skills. Most importantly, I am convinced that I have the enthusiasm and energy to collaborate.

Me desempeño como inmunólogo en la Fundación Neumológica Colombiana, centro de referencia nacional en salud respiratoria. Me gustaría participar del comité junior LASID para aportar en el crecimiento científico y académico de los jóvenes inmunólogos clínicos, traslacionales y básicos en pro del beneficio de pacientes con errores congénitos de la inmunidad en Latinoamérica. Para tal fin, estructuraremos un plan de desarrollo educativo para el fortalecimiento de la comunidad junior, en tópicos como: bioinformática, comunicación científica, genética, “Grant writing”, entre otros; aportando al fortalecimiento de los futuros líderes de la Inmunología Latinoamericana en aras del bienestar de nuestros pacientes.

Dear LASID Members,
My name is Rafaella Muratori, I’m a pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant physician from Curitiba, Brazil. I started my career as an oncologist, but as soon as I met my first patient with PID, I knew that was what I wanted to focus on. Since then I participated in LASID Summer School, IEWP Spring School, and have been trying to be as close as possible to Immunologists so I could learn and share experiences -This made me join LASID. I’m ready to straighten this relationship even more in the Junior Committee and hopefully engage in many activities to improve PID care in Latin America.

Con la experiencia vivida y adquirida durante mi formación como inmunóloga clínica y alergóloga pediatra, considerando fundamental el abordaje y manejo integral de los pacientes con errores innatos de la inmunidad es de mi interés fomentar en las futuras generaciones el acercamiento a su estudio más allá de algo personal, es decir, en asociación con LASID, teniendo así la oportunidad de crear redes de apoyo entre diferentes médicos de alto impacto en Latinoamérica y el resto del mundo, líderes en la promoción de la formación científica, clínica y social de más alta calidad, …fundamentales para romper los diferentes paradigmas a su alrededor y enriquecer nuestro ejercicio en el ámbito inmunológico en favor del bienestar de todos y cada uno de nuestro pacientes con enfermedades complejas; de ahí mi interés por pertenecer al comité de Miembros Junior.

Participar do comitê como membro será uma grande satisfação, além de poder ampliar meus conhecimentos na área de imunologia e poder proporcionar um melhor atendimento aos meus pacientes.

Good afternoon to all,

My name is Renata Baldo Guimarães and I have finished pediatric allergy and immunology this year of 2023 and currently working in the field.
I would love to participate to the committee this year.
I have grown to love the immunology world, that is quite hard but the knowledge can change de patience quality of life.

Thank you very much for the opportunity.

Professor of the Pediatric Department of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil.
Past member and past coordinator of the LASID Educational Committee.
Now I want to contribute to LASID in another position.

Looking forward to take participation.

Dear LASID Board,

I would like to express my interest in reapplying for the Membership Committee of the Latin American Society for Immunodeficiencies (LASID). As an Allergist and Immunologist specialized in Inborn Errors of the Innate System, I believe my skills and experience align perfectly with the goals and objectives of LASID.

I obtained my PhD degree from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2011, and have since dedicated over 20 years of my career to the field of immunodeficiencies. Throughout my professional journey, I have actively contributed to research, clinical practice, and education in this area. I coordinate the Academic League of Allergy and Immunology of Medical Students of the Federal District, Brazil (Instagram @laaidf) since 2021. My expertise lies in understanding and managing inborn errors of the innate system, which has allowed me to make significant contributions to the field.

Having been a member of the Membership Committee for the past few years, I have gained valuable insights into the workings of LASID and the importance of fostering a vibrant community. I have actively participated in various initiatives aimed at expanding the society’s reach and engaging with members. I strongly believe that my continued involvement in the Membership Committee will enable me to contribute further to the growth and development of LASID.

If given the opportunity, I am committed to working diligently towards the goals of the Membership Committee. I will strive to enhance membership experiences, promote collaboration among members, and attract new professionals to join our community. I am confident that my passion for immunodeficiencies, coupled with my extensive experience, will enable me to make a meaningful impact in this role.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving LASID and its members. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require any further information or references. My resume is available at this link: https://lattes.cnpq.br/0865112525526985


Natasha R. Ferraroni
Medical Doctor
Brasilia, DF – Brazil

Pediatric clinical immunologist.

Clinical Immunology Department.

Instituto Nacional de Pediatria, Mexico City.


Hello, my name is Selma Scheffler. I work at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, i have been part of LASID, and I would like to become part of the membership committee because I consider it`s important to maintain a good relationship between all the LASID members and also to improve the integration of new members between immunologist but also others scientific groups.
I would like to integrate new members to LASID because it is important to create a great community and share experience and problems of our patients.

I think it is so important to increase the number of members of the society to stablish a better communication between all the research groups in Latin America, and interact with other groups in the most important centers of the world.

My name is Alejandro Palma and I am a pediatric immunologist from Argentina currently working at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Canada where I care for patients with suspected or confirmed IEI.
I have always been very fond of LASID where I have met colleagues from all around the world who I could collaborate with over the years. As part of the Junior Committee in 2020-2021 I helped managing social media and creating educational content for Juniors. I’d like to continue this task while helping with communication of events and information so our society can continue to grow.

Allergy & Clinical Immunology
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and Head UCARE & ACARE/UNICAMP
Head, Communication and Media: LASID (Latin American Society for Immunodeficiencies), ASBAI (Braz. Association of Allergy & Immunology) and GEBRAEH (Braz. Group for the Studies of Hereditary Angioedema).
Founding member of GEBRAEH.
Urticaria Scientific Committee: ASBAI
HAE Committee of the Latin American Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (SLaii)

If reelected, I intend to continue, along with my fellow committee members, our work and improve quantity and quality of our social medias and renovate our website website.

Dear fellow members of LASID,

I’m Fabiana, an Allergist and Immunologist, currently a specialist at the hospital of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where I obtained my PhD degree. Since Allergy and Immunology residency at this hospital and until today, I have always dedicated myself to assisting patients with inborn errors of immunity. Furthermore, I also dedicate myself to teaching and research in this field. I have been a member of the LASID Social media and Communications Committee and have been working on projects to improve the society’s outreach on social media, on the new website together with the team, among other activities. I would like to continue to contribute to the LASID committee’s projects.
I propose my candidacy for the communication committee in order to contribute to dissemination of the inborn errors of immunity and LASID to specialists, physicians and patients. It is important to target the content and the way information is presented according to the audience for a more effective communication. The dissemination of events and scientific material is essential for the continuing education process. It is also necessary to expand the information about inborn errors of immunity to patients and the general public, aiming at improving the quality of life, adherence to treatment and access to the specialist when indicated. Nowadays, with the great impact of websites, social networks and search engines on people’s lives, I propose to explore these resources to achieve a better reach in this mission.
Thank you for your attention.

Sou Helimara Costa Góes, brasileira, amapaense, médica Pediatra, Alergista e Imunologista com especialidade pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo e Membro Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia e da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Nas diversas áreas da medicina tenho especial apreço pela Imunologia, área em que fui gentilmente apresentada por mestres os quais guardo profundo respeito, tais como a saudosa Dra. Beatriz Carvalho, Dra. Anete Grumach, Dr.Antônio Condino Neto. Considero-me uma aprendiz deste mundo da Imunologia e tento desenvolver com amor, estudo, educação e respeito um trabalho de formiguinha no Norte do Brasil, na cidade de Macapá, capital do Amapá.Aqui nessa cidade desejo poder ajudar a divulgar ainda mais os Erros Inatos da Imunidade para a comunidade médica e público em geral.

I am Maria Fernanda Vargas, currently undertaking a PhD in Translational Medicine at the University of Nottingham, UK. I am a paediatric immunologist awarded in Argentina and came to the UK to do my MSc In Immunology and Immunotherapeutics. Afterwards, I was able to keep developing my research and becoming a PhD candidate. Lasid has always been a reference point since the beginning of my career, and being part of this committee would let me broadcast news from our society and inform the world about inborn immunity errors.

I coordinated the Registry Committee. In this period, we developed a new protocol, including a huge number of centres as participants. Ethical committee is evaluating the new approach to get more cases registered. My main interest on staying at the registry is to transition the information and aims to the next coordinator in order to continue the process. This committee is very important to improve the specific knowledge of 485 defects reported up to now. LATAM characteristics will open a new page on clinical manifestations and infections present in our continent.

Sou médico Infectologista pela UNIFESP, apaixonado pela imunologia e trabalhando na área desde 2021. Entusiasta sobre o estudo dos Erros Inatos da Imunidade (EII) e fascinado sobre como se dão as infecções nesses pacientes. Sigo em busca de conhecimentos na área em prol dos nossos pacientes, sobre como podemos tratar as infecções visando melhorar a qualidade de vida deles. Junto à Comissão de Registro quero somar esforços em prol de todos os pacientes portadores de EII, pois pelo registro e inclusão junto ao banco de dados é que poderemos produzir informações valiosas e confiáveis acerca da população latino-americana.

I’m a Clinical Immunologist and Allergist trained in Medicine at Escola Paulista de Medicina, UNIFESP, with a master’s degree and PhD from the same school. I have also done a research fellow at the Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School under the supervision of Dr Raif Geha. I am currently an assistant physician at Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo where I am responsible for the immunodeficiency outpatient clinic.
I’m currently working on the characterization of Brazilian CVID patients, and I’m interested in promoting and improving IEI registryminBrazil and Latin America.

I´m Gisela Seminario, Immunologist from Argentina. In 2009, I had the opportunity to participate at the 1º meeting of registry, it was organized by Dr Condino and Beatriz Costa Carvalho. Liliana Bezrodnik invited me to participate. Since then I ´ve been working hard in LASID registry. Nowadays we registered more than 9000 PID patients, reported. The LASID registry programme has evolved significantly to become a centralized resource for clinical immunologists throughout Latin America and beyond.
LASID registry reflects a solid and progressive work in IEI in Latin America. This story is not over, because of that I would like to continue working in this committee to work together to do LASID registry better.

My name is Luciana Cunha and I am an Allergist and Immunologist with technical responsibility for Allergy and Immunology at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Minas Gerais is the second largest state in Brazil in terms of population and the Hospital das Clínicas is the reference in the diagnosis and treatment of Inborn Immune Errors in Brazil. I’ve been working with Inborn Errors of Immunity since 2000 and in that time we’ve seen the diagnosis grow exponentially as well as the needs of patients. I am also a member of the Inborn Errors of Immunity Committee of the Brazilian Society of Allergy and Immunology and President of the Allergy and Immunology Committee of the Minas Gerais Society of Pediatrics. I am interested in working on the LASID Patient Registry Committee because I believe that this is a way of joining forces to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of these patients.
My CV can be found at: http://lattes.cnpq.br/2492272869814376

Mi nombre es Lucina Magdalena López González, soy mexicana, actualmente resido en la ciudad de Delicias, Chihuahua. Soy inmunoalergóloga pediatra, egresada de CMN La Raza en la Ciudad de México. Me interesa mucho ser parte del comité de registros de LASID dada la importancia que esto conlleva para tener una base de datos actualizada y fidedigna de nuestros paciente a nivel Latinoamérica, para así poder continuar con la investigación y el seguimiento y oportunidad de nuevas líneas de investigación y protocolo para una mejor calidad de vida y red de apoyo para nuestros pacientes.

Meu nome é Maine L. D. Bardou sou da cidade de São Paulo , Brasil e tenho participado do Lasid desde do Summer School de 2018 que aconteceu em Medelin, Colombia. Tenho interesse em continuar participando ativamente do LASID pois acredito que este é o melhor caminho para a melhoria da saúde, do acesso a tratamentos e consequentemente da melhoria da dignidade humana da nossa comunidade Latino Americana. Deste modo quero me candidatar novamente ao Comite de Registro do LASID para dar continuidade aos projetos iniciados em 2022 com enfoque sempre na ampliação de centros participantes do Registro online e de suas participações ativas atualizando sempre os dados fornecidos.
Pois desta maneira teremos dados epidemiológicos consistentes que geram impactos imensuráveis na saúde e no acesso a tratamentos para as diversas IDs.

Pós-graduado em Medicina pela Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí (2015). Desde 2020 é preceptora no ambulatório de imunologia do Centro de Estudos de Saúde Coletiva da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC. Tem experiência na área de Pediatria, com ênfase em alergia e imunologia para adultos e crianças. Residências realizadas no Hospital Infantil Candido Fontoura e Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, respectivamente. Atuou como médica especialista no Hospital Maternidade São Cristóvão, Hospital Brasil (Redor) e nas maternidades do grupo Pro Matre. Cursa o doutorado em Ciências da Saúde na Faculdade de Medicina do ABC iniciado em 2022.
Atuou no Comitê Júnior da LASID (Sociedade Latino-Americana de Imunodeficiências) de 2020 a 2022. Atuou no Comitê de Registro da LASID desde o início de 2022. Leciona Ciências da Saúde na Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, com foco em Doenças Raras.

Registry Committee – LASID 2024-2025

I am a doctor, Master in Medicine, specialist in Allergy and Immunology and coordinator of the Inborn Errors of Immunity outpatient clinic of the Immunology Service of the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
My interest in applying to the LASID Registry Committee, responsible for the maintenance and development of the LASID Registry, is to contribute to the promotion of the ethical recording of data on patients with inborn errors of immunity (IEI) in Latin America, which is essential not only for estimating the rate of IEI, but also as an important tool for identifying new genes associated with IEI diseases and for developing diagnostic and treatment strategies for primary immunodeficiency/immune dysregulation diseases.

Sou médica, mestre em Medicina, especialista em Alergia e Imunologia e coordenadora do ambulatório de Erros Inatos da Imunidade do Serviço de Imunologia do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), na cidade do Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.
O interesse em me candidatar ao Comitê de Registro LASID, responsável pela manutenção e desenvolvimento do Registro LASID, é contribuir com a promoção do registro ético de dados dos pacientes com erros inatos da imunidade (EII) na América Latina, fundamental não só para estimarmos a taxa de EII, mas também como ferramenta importante para identificação de novos genes associados a doenças de EII e para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças de imunodeficiências primárias/desregulação imune.

Sou Regina Sumiko Watanabe Di Gesu, especialista em Alergia e Imunologia pela ASBAI – Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia. Trabalho desde 2011, em Hospital de Pediatria, como Alergista e Imunologista, atendendo diariamente crianças em ambulatório e 

hospitalizadas com doenças infecciosas graves, alergias graves – eczemas, linfoproliferação, neoplasias e quadros inflamatórios. Ao iniciar esse atendimento, fui e ainda hoje, recebo importante e incansável auxílio da Dra. Anete Grumach e Dr. Antonio Condino Neto – que participaram do primeiro diagnóstico de EII , Deficiência de CD40L em um menino e em seguida, no seu irmão, transplantados com boa evolução. Por esse caso inicial e muitos outros que vieram, e também muito incentivada pela querida e inesquecível Dra. Beatriz Tavares Costa Carvalho participo sempre que tenha oportunidade, de cursos de imersão e outros eventos sobre Erros Inatos da Imunidade. Continuo atendendo no Hospital Criança Conceição, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e os casos de Erros Inatos da Imunidade continuam surgindo a medida que os pediatras e equipes são alertados para o diagnóstico.
A participação ativa no LASID, especialmente no “Registry Committee” seria uma oportunidade de auxiliar na divulgação do registro.

I’m an ACARE center, Head of the Immunology Service, and coordinator of the out patient clinic of Hereditary Angioedema.

Brazilian allergist and clinical immunologist, MSc, PhD, FAAAAI.
In my MSc I studied the prevalence of autoantibodies in patients with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)
I have experience in the management of HAE and associated conditions.

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