Introduction: We present the case of a patient with GATA 2 Deficiency with IV human IgG for wound healing.
Presentation of the case: A 30-year-old female patient from Michoacán, Mexico, the only daughter of non-consanguineous parents. She starts at age 17, when she was hospitalized for chicken pox complicated by sepsis. Gradually presents warts on all the pads of her hands and in the vulvar-vaginal region. At the age of 20, she has a spontaneous abortion. In August 2014, she presented Medullary Hypoplasia. Through sequencing the mutation C 113 C> G p.N371 K corresponding to GATA 2 defect is documented.
While her second pregnancy, a biopsy of the labia major was documented,
reporting: high-grade malignant squamous intraepithelial lesion due to HPV, and later cervical cancer in situ, in addition to cancer in situ in the vulva, requiring hysterectomy in 2018 later she received radiotherapy until July 2020.
In October 2021, she developed severe epithelioid due to radiation, in the entire vulvar and perianal area, which required hospitalization and treatment with anti-inflammatories and multiple antibiotic regimens based on clindamycin, metronidazole cephalosporins due to added infection, without improvement.
In January 2022, due to the poor healing and persistence of the inflammatory process, treatment was started with monthly intravenous human immunoglobulin at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg with notable improvement, and gradual resolution of the skin lesions throughout the vulva and gradual healing of the genital area.
06.29.22: HGB 12.1 g/l HCT 36% WBC 2400 10 3/ µl LYM 500 k/l, NEUT 1600 k/l MON 300 K/l, PLT 170 k/l.
IgG 1089 mg/ dl IgA 111 mg/ dl IgM 137 mg/ dl IgE 3. u/ l
Conclusions: This case encourages thinking about the use of immunoglobulin as a factor to help wound healing.