LASID Committees 2020. Calling for candidates.


As the requirement of LASID bylaws that states: “The minimum number of accredited members in good standing that every list must have is three (3). If less than this, a new election will be set up to start a second round of elections” We are now calling for a second time for candidates for one of the various LASID committees to serve for the following 2 years.

Get Involved, improve our impact, become a committee member! 

Fill the form below to apply

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Opening of nominations to become members of committeesJuly 3, 202000:01 h
Deadline to submit nominations for committeesAugust 15 th, 202023:59 h
Posting of candidates in the LASID websiteAugust 19 th, 202011:59 h
Elections opens online From august 15th to 22nd, 2020 
Publication of resultsAugust 22nd, 202011:59 h

*Central time


The Latin American Society for Immunodeficiencies (LASID) is committed to provide its members with participation in the organization and the functioning of the Society according to the current governing bylaws. Therefore, it is the mandate of the Central Directive to constitute the different scientific and administrative Committees that will consolidate our Society.

Here you can find the definitions of these Committees and the different tasks that must be undertaken by their members and establishes the guide for the elections of these Committees.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall review the applications for eligibility on the basis of criteria approved by LASID bylaws including good moral and ethical character. This Committee will approve memberships based on the majority of voting. Determination by the Membership Committee shall be final in its sole discretion and cannot be appealed. The Membership Committee may, in exceptional circumstances, waive any requirement of membership in any class in any particular instance. The Membership Committee together with the LASID President, Vice-­‐President, and the Secretary should appoint a Commission composed of regular members in good standing to handle moral and ethical issues related to LASID membership.

The Membership Committee should outreach and accommodate within LASID, all national interest groups on Primary Immunodeficiencies throughout Latin America, current participants of the LASID Registry (approximately 100 centers), sister scientific societies throughout Latin America and other continents (Allergy-­‐Immunology Societies, Pediatric Societies, Immunology Societies, Infectious Diseases Societies, Newborn Screening Societies, Genetics Societies, etc.), stimulating LASID membership, advertising LASID and proposing partnerships.

An up-­to-­date list of good standing members and individuals who have applied for membership and that fulfill the requirements to become members of the Membership Committee shall be made available online at the LASID website. Finally, the membership Committee should manage to have LASID membership in good standing with their annual dues.

Social Media & Communications Committee

The purpose of the Social Media Communications committee is to develop and oversee all communication vehicles for the LASID membership. This primarily includes the LASID website and all related editorial policies and procedures. The committee is responsible to keep up‐to-­ date information about LASID regular activities with emphasis on LASID Bi­Annual Meetings, LASID Summer School Program, LASID Fellowship Program, and LASID Registry.

The Social Media & Communications Committee should nominate a Commission of LASID experts to develop channels of communication with editors of related scientific journals (Latin American and international journals), aiming to encourage manuscript submissions from LASID members, as well as to provide guidance throughout the editorial process. An up-­‐to-­‐date list of journals starting with the Journal of Clinical Immunology (official LASID journal) as well as other journals should be made available in the LASID Website.

Juniors Committee

The LASID Junior Committee will be composed of LASID members in training, in good standing, and will be responsible for developing and overseeing benefits and programs for current and future Trainee Members. The LASID Juniors Committee will meet regularly via conference call and will work with other committees throughout the year to assist with LASID regular activities such as the LASID Bi-­‐Annual Meetings, LASID Summer School, LASID Registry, and LASID Fellowship program.

Registry Committee

The LASID Registry Committee is responsible for the maintenance and further development of the LASID Registry. This committee should manage all technical issues, continuously update it with new information related to known PID as well as new diseases as they are reported. This committee will also advice the Registering Centers with administrative and ethical issues, and will provide data analysis for study initiatives using Registry data and answering queries on patient cohorts for further studies.

The aim of the LASID registry is to expand the current common data pool and estimate the disease burden of PID in Latin America, and to provide an internet-­‐based database for clinical and research data on patients with PID. This database is a platform for epidemiological analyses and can also serve as a tool relevant for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies or the identification of novel disease-­‐associated genes.

This committee should also promote PID registry within the national PID groups of interest throughout Latin America, develop clinical epidemiological investigational protocols, and elaborate regular progress reports.

Education Committee

The Education Committee is responsible to plan and develop education activities for LASID as well as approve and monitor any jointly sponsored activities. This committee is also responsible to review the overall educational program on an annual basis. This committee should work in parallel with the Website / Communications Committee to offer educational materials and appoint scientific publications and policies that will be of interest of LASID membership.

This committee should manage the LASID Summer School Program, LASID Fellowship program, develop the educational program for the LASID Bi-­‐Annual Meetings, assist national PID groups to develop local educational programs, select and advertise all LASID related educational programs in the several countries, develop educational materials about diagnosis and management of PID patients and make it available at LASID website.


Please consult timeline for opening and deadlines first!


  • Each committee will be constituted only by five (5) members.
  • A maximum of 2 nominees from each country can become members of a committee. For example, if 3 people from the same country rank in the list of the first 5, only two with the most voting will become elected and the selection will move from there to the rest of the list.

ACCREDITATION OF MEMBERSHIP IN GOOD STANDING. In order to be eligible in one of the Committees, applicants must be REGULAR MEMBERS in good standing with their 2020 annual fee.

  • NOTE: MEMBERS IN TRAINING who are currently exempted of the annual dues for 2020, can become eligible to one of the committees by UPGRADING to the REGULAR MEMBER category, and paying the annual dues corresponding to 2020.

Note: Permanence in the Committee requires to continue with the REGULAR member status unless otherwise stated.

Each REGULAR MEMBER in good standing can nominate itself but ONLY FOR ONE of the 5 committees (application will be rejected if more than ONE committee is chosen).


  • Recent picture in color, jpeg/pdf format median resolution, maximum 500 kb
  • Brief statement: Current affiliation (including country of origin) and paragraph defining the interest in becoming a member of a committee. Maximum size of paragraph: 100 words. Statement can be in English, Spanish or Portuguese. This information will be posted on the web once nominations close and all members will be invited via email and social
  • SEND TO:

Each REGULAR MEMBER will receive an email, a facebook notificacion or a push notification via our app calling for elections.

HOW TO VOTE. Choose the 5 members from each committee that you wish to conform that committee.

DURATION OF THE ELECTIONS. Voting will open ONLINE  from august the 8th to the 15th 2020

PUBLICATION OF RESULTS. Results will be posted on the LASID website on October 9th and will also be sent to all LASID members via email.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. The minimum number of accredited members in good standing that every list must have is three (3). If less than this, a new election will be set up to start a second round of elections.

SETTLING TIES. In case of tie in a Committee list, the Central Directive will apply the following rule: 1ST rule: NUMBER OF VOTES, 2ND rule: SENIORITY (TIME BEING A LASID MEMBER), 3RD rule: CURRENT AGE. This settlement will be applied before the publication of the results and it will be consigned in a written form.



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Receipt: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm CT. Response: 24 h
