The three best abstracts will receive: Registration + $500 USD.
The dates for the reception of abstracts are due in August 15th.
The abstract submission must be through the form directed here.
There are two ways to register your work:
A) Original research papers.
B) Presentation of clinical cases of interest, within the field of primary immunodeficiencies.
Research not belonging to these two categories and study areas (PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCIES) will not be accepted.
Abstracts of papers that have already been published or accepted for publication should not be submitted.
Abstract content (300 words maximum).
* Title of the work.
* Name of the author(s), and the institution to which they belong. City and country, must be specified at the beginning.
* The name of the author who will present the work, if accepted, should be underlined.
* The author responsible for submitting the work must check that all the information is correct, since CHANGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, either in authors omitted by mistake, title of the work or addendum of any nature.
If the abstract corresponds to an original research paper, it must contain:
* Introduction. Two or three short sentences that include the objective(s) of the study.
* Method. A summary description of how the study was conducted.
* Results. Summary of the main results of the study. This section should occupy at least half of the abstract.
* Conclusions. No more than three sentences stating the meaning of the results in the terms in which the study was originally designed.
If the summary corresponds to the presentation of a case or series of cases, it must contain:
* Introduction. Two or three short sentences with information on the topic related to the case (or series of cases).
* Presentation of the case (or cases). Summary of the clinical, laboratory and cabinet data of the cases. Brief description of the treatment used and the evolution of each patient.
* Discussion. No more than three sentences expressing the relevance of the case (or cases) and providing a conclusion.
* The number of words contained in the abstract should not exceed 300 (excluding the title and names of authors and institutions).
– You can use standard abbreviations (for example: Kg, mg, L). If you use any special or unusual abbreviations, put them in parentheses after the first occurrence of the full word or phrase to which the abbreviation corresponds.
– If drugs are mentioned in the abstract, use their generic names (in lower case letters).
At the end of each summary it is essential that the following information be included:
* Data of the author to whom the notification of the resolution of the evaluation of his work will be sent (corresponding author):
* Full name
* Telephone number(s)
* Email address
* Specify if you require a registration grant (only for the main author).
The corresponding author will be notified about the resolution via email. If the work is accepted, the date and time scheduled for its presentation will be communicated, as well as the format in which it should be presented (oral or poster).
The scientific committee for the review of the abstracts will be the one that decides the presentation format of the accepted papers and its decision will be final.
Only abstracts sent through the electronic platform on the congress page will be considered, and within the established period. Submissions sent by other means will not be reviewed by the Academic Committee.