
In 1993, a group of immunologists from: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia, decided to form the Latin American Group for Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (LAGID). Important goals of this organization were to include other Latin American countries and to create registries of primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID) in each participating country. The first results of this effort were published by eight countries in 1998.

After more than fifteen years since the creation of LAGID and its PID registry, many of the objectives set forth by this group have been accomplished. The group has grown from the initial four to a total of 14 countries with a wide population range. Scientific meetings with case presentations and discussions with international guest speakers have been held annually. During these meetings, participating members have had the opportunity to report and discuss their registries. Educational programs and national scientific meetings with pediatricians have improved the early recognition and treatment of some of these diseases. Cooperation with scientists in countries with well established immunology and molecular biology laboratories has helped other countries with limited resources, in the diagnosis of PID.

LAGID also led to the development of patient and parent support groups and to the creation of a Web Site to keep members informed of important events and to discuss diagnosis and treatment options for patients with PID.

After twelve yearly meetings in six different countries, two joint publications and multiple courses, conferences and collaborative efforts, it was time to follow the lead of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) and become a Society. Again, the birth of LASID occurred in Santiago, Chile in August of 2009 after a very long gestation with government agencies and the establishment of a legal Foundation.

Finally, LASID came into existence in October of the same year in Cartagena, Colombia where the first LASID Meeting was held with members, friends, trainees, patients and parent organizations and industry sponsors.

Past meetings:

  • Mexico City 2011
  • Santiago de Chile 2013
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015
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